Happy Hands & Feet: the Great Oddments Knitdown Three (eBook)


Note: if you have previously purchased this eBook on Ravelry.com, create an account on designsbyromi.com, then link your account with your Ravelry account to download your pattern from this site. To purchase the eBook here and access it in your Ravelry library as well, create a designsbyromi.com account and link to your Ravelry account before purchasing here. A copy will be placed in your Ravelry library.

This listing is for PDF downloadable hand knitting patterns only. You will have unlimited access to the downloads through your account.

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Welcome to my oddments project number three! (See the first one here and the second one here.)

Note that purchasing the eBook represents a significant discount over purchasing each pattern separately. No refunds can be given for buying the patterns separately and then, at a later date, purchasing the complete eBook. If you have made a single pattern purchase in error and wished to purchase the book instead, please contact me within a week to resolve the issue. Thank you!

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